The lamest excuse for a radio station possibly ever. The playlist is so narrow and randomly assembled (from what I can only assume is a measly to meager collection of "vinyl" recordings to draw from) it's obscene. Are the recordings they play actually from vinyl records, I doubt it very much. Do they play the same limited number of selections by the same artists over and over, yes they do, I've heard it day in and day out. This station plays at my workplace unfortunately, so for 3 hours every morning six days a week I get to listen to this awful level of programming. Of the 7 people who supposedly work at this station apparently not one of them has an active interest in providing any level of quality broadcasting, you should all be ashamed every time you cash your paycheck. From 1960 to 1989 a great many chart topping songs of the rock genre were released on vinyl, just in the U.S.A. alone. That your programming never addresses or presents so many of these works is a testament to the putrid and feeble level of product that passes for industry standard at KRQU.
22 de Março de 2022 às 19:39 GMT