The owner of VVR is Bennie Blount. He is like a Jim Jones cult leader for some Vietnam Vets. Behind the scenes some call him "don Bennie" because his ego and ethics are highly questionable. He tries to operate like a Mafia don controlling his DJ's. Makes them pander to a small active listener base, want the DJ's to call him "boss" all the while the DJ's are working for free. His VVR station is a 501(c)3 non-profit and he uses the income from donations to take vacations making them an item of expenditure. In other words, he uses donations to pay for travel, hotels, motels, auto expense, food, entertainment, etc. Don Bennie's following is small. He has less than 400 Members on their MeWe page and on their Daily Check-In page (on the VVR website) it is always the same handful of people (less than 15) who post daily comments. If VVR didn't play the original AFVN Bumpers, Jingles
31 de Dezembro de 2021 às 22:24 GMT